So, you’ve written a book. Congratulations! But where do you go from here? How do you get your book into people’s hands? There are many options, and they cannot be evident. The internet is a great place to sell books. Many websites allow you to sell books online, and many online bookstores buy books in bulk. This guide is designed to help you navigate the world of marketing and distributing your books online. If you’re asking yourself, “where to sell my book?” continue reading this post.
Table of Contents
Ten websites to sell my book
Selling your book on the web is a great way to make money and gain exposure. Book marketing is a tricky business. There are millions of books out there, and most authors have no idea how to market their books effectively. Where to sell my book? The following are ten websites where you can sell books online.
1. Amazon
Amazon is the largest selling books online marketplace, and it’s where many authors make their money when deciding where to sell my book. When you’re self-publishing a book on Amazon, you can choose how much to charge for it. This is called the book’s retail price. When customers buy your book, they pay this price.
You also can set a lower price than the retail price. This is called a discount or special offer. Customers who see your book at this discounted price will still be able to buy it, but they may only be able to buy one copy at that discounted price.
If they want more copies of the book at that discounted price, they have to place another order with the Amazon fulfillment center before their order expires. If you’re going to sell books on your Amazon seller account, you need to create a seller account and fill out all the necessary information. You’ll also have to provide information about your book’s title, author, price, and description.
2. Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble is one of the largest booksellers in the world. It’s also one of the most important places to sell books because it has the power to drive sales and build an audience for your work. If you are writing a novel, nonfiction, or children’s books, you can sell it through Barnes & Noble’s website. The first step is to contact your local bookstore or any Barnes & Noble physical location.
Where to sell my book in Barnes and Noble? You can find the contact information for a store near you on Barnes & Noble’s website. Once you’ve contacted the store manager and let them know that you’d like to have your book available for sale, they will give you some information on preparing your book for shipping and what sort of packaging they require.
Barnes & Noble has a section on its website dedicated to self-published authors who want to distribute their books through their stores. The information they provide is beneficial, and it walks through every step of the process, from getting in touch with the store manager to preparing your book for shipping, right down to how much money you’ll make off each sale.
3. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
Your third option for where to sell my book is through Amazon KDP. If you want to sell books on the Amazon fulfillment center, there are two ways. You can publish it yourself or go through Amazon’s KDP Select program. KDP Select is a service offered by Amazon that allows authors to offer their books for free for up to five days (or a total of 90 days per year) to boost exposure and sales.
Authors agree not to sell books anywhere else during those same five days in exchange for this perk. KDP Select also gives authors access to other marketing plan and tools that may be useful for building awareness about their work. The downside is that the author must have a Kindle device or app installed on their device so that customers can read their book without leaving the Kindle store.
Suppose someone buys your book from another site (like Amazon). In that case, they will be redirected back to the Kindle store after they purchase it as part of this agreement with Amazon. KDP Select requires exclusivity on Amazon’s part regarding distribution rights while they’re in the program.
4. Etsy
Still asking where to sell my book? Etsy is a great place to sell your book. It’s an online marketplace for handmade and vintage goods, but it’s also a great place to sell your self published books. They connect millions of book buyers and sellers from nearly every country globally. Etsy has more than 1 million active sellers and 40 million active buyers.
Your book will be displayed alongside other handmade items like jewelry, clothing, home decor, and accessories. People who visit Etsy are looking for unique items they can’t find anywhere else. Selling your book on Etsy allows you to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by people who may not think about purchasing books online.
The best thing about a bookselling business on Etsy is that it doesn’t cost you anything! You don’t pay any fees or commissions when someone buys your book through their site. All you have to do is upload your file and, set up an author page with information about yourself and your book, then wait for orders to come in.
5. eBay
If you’re an author looking for where to sell my book, don’t overlook the power of eBay. It’s a good place to unload your large inventory and make extra cash. Here’s how it works. Find a book on eBay similar to yours and then look at its selling price. Set up an auction listing and describe the book as accurately as possible. Then list the good deals you’d like to receive and set a minimum bid amount (which will prevent someone from bidding just one cent).
You can also include shipping costs in your listing if you’d like people to pay for them separately from their bids (for example: “$20 + $3 shipping”). Once your auction has ended, and someone has won it by placing the highest bid on it, they’ll need to contact you via eBay’s messaging system so that they can pay for their purchase through PayPal or another online payment service.
6. Apple’s iBookstore
Still, deciding where to sell my book? Apple’s iBookstore is the place to sell books if you want to reach the broadest possible audience. The iBookstore is available in 155 countries, and it has more than a million titles in its catalog. In other words, it’s enormous. And Apple has been improving it regularly with new features, such as support for self-publishing and enhanced ebook previews.
First and foremost, you need to create a seller account with Apple. You can do this online or through iTunes on your computer or iOS device. Once set up, you can upload your book and prepare it for sale on Apple’s website or through its iBooks app on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices.
When you’re ready to publish your book in the iBookstore, you’ll be asked to select a price for it (from free up to $200) and enter some basic information about yourself (such as name and address). After that, all that remains is waiting for approval from Apple — which usually takes less than 24 hours — before your work becomes available for download by anyone around the world who has an iPad or iPhone device.
7. Blurb
If you have a book or ebook to sell, Blurb is a great place to start. The company was founded in 2001 and has grown steadily since then. They are the largest publisher of photobooks globally and have over one million customers. Why is Blurb a good choice for where to sell my book?
Blurb offers a variety of options for self publish, but its primary service is print-on-demand (POD). This means that you upload your book files and order copies as needed. The books are printed in-house and shipped directly to happy customers. Blurb offers several different formats for books: traditional softcover and hardcover, and ebooks.
The standard book sizes are 5×7 inches, 8×10 inches, and 11×14 inches (portrait or landscape). You can also customize the size if you need something else. If you want physical copies of your book available for sale, Blurb’s POD service provides an easy way to get them done quickly and cheaply.
8. Author House
Author House is a leading self-publishing company that provides various services to help you publish, promote, and distribute your book. They take pride in helping authors achieve their publishing goals and are committed to providing the highest quality books at competitive prices. Why is Author House a good choice for where to sell my book?
They also offer free ISBNs through our partnership with Bowker (the official ISBN agency) and free LCCN barcodes through our collaboration with RDA International. Their book design templates allow you to choose from various options to fit your needs. You can also upload your own cover design or choose one of theirs. They have over 50 professionally designed covers to choose from!
AuthorHouse offers both print and e-book publishing services and distribution for both formats through Ingram Book Group, which serves some 20,000 independent bookstores nationwide. With over 35 years of experience in the book industry, AuthorHouse is an established leader among independent publishers that helps authors get their books into the hands of readers around the world.
9. Kobo Writing Life
If you’re still undecided about where to sell my book, Kobo Writing Life is a selling books online platform where writers can publish their work. You can also sell books at Kobo Writing Life, and this post will give you everything you need to know about how to do it. Selling your book at Kobo Writing Life is a great way to make most money. You can set your price, and they automatically add 70% of the sale lowest price to your account.
If you’re an indie author, you’ll need to have an account with Kobo Writing Life before you can sell any of your books there. To create an account, visit their website and click on “Create Account.” Once you’ve made your account, go to the “Publish” page and navigate to the “Author Services” section. Here, you’ll find a link that says “Sell Your Book.” Clicking on this will take you to the form to enter all of your information about your book.
Be sure to choose the correct genre for each title. If there are multiple editions of your book, specify which editions you want to be listed for sale on Kobo Writing Life. The most common reason for having more than one edition available is so people who purchase digital versions can also get print copies shipped directly from Amazon or some other vendor.
10. Own Website
Last but not least this list of where to sell my book is using your own website. This is a great way to get more exposure for your book, and it is also an excellent way to make money from your book. Selling books on Amazon or other online retailers is incredible, but you will need to pay them a commission on each sale if you sell books through them.
This can take a big chunk out of your profits from selling your book. If you want to sell your books directly to customers, you can set up your website and charge whatever price. You don’t have to worry about paying commissions and other fees, as you will absorb them instead of the customer.
If someone orders one of your books online, they will be sent a copy of the ebook via email or, in some cases, by using an encrypted link that only works once before it expires. Don’t limit yourself just because you only have one book available. Use this opportunity to promote other products and services that you offer as well, such as coaching programs or speaking engagements.
Six tips to sell my book
Once you’ve answered your question “where to sell my book?”, it’s now time to think about how to sell it. If you’re starting on your writing journey, there are a few things you need to know about selling your book. Here are a few tips to help you successfully sell your book.
1. Create a website.
Creating a website is a great way to sell your book. You can use it as an online store, start a blog, and communicate with your customers through email. Many different website-building platforms are available, but WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix are some of the most popular.
If you’re not tech-savvy or have no experience with websites, it may be worth hiring someone to do the work for you. You can find freelancers on sites like Upwork or Freelancer that will build your website for you at a reasonable price.
2. Start an email campaign.
Even if you’ve spent years building an audience, it’s still not easy to get people to open their wallets and make a purchase. That’s why it’s crucial to create a consistent and professional email campaign that sells your book without being spammy or annoying.
Start early. You should start building your list weeks before the book comes out. The more people you have on your list, the better off you’ll be when you’re ready to launch. Don’t ask for too much information. You don’t need your subscribers’ home addresses or credit card numbers — just their emails will do fine! It’s also good to ask them what they’d like you to send them in the future.
Make sure your emails are easy to read and follow instructions. This is especially true if you’re sending out a series of emails over time. Make sure each one builds on the previous ones, so readers don’t get confused about what they’re supposed to do next.
3. Get on social media.
Social media is a great way to increase your visibility and sell more books. But it has to be done correctly. Set up an author page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Make sure you’re using a professional profile photo and cover image that reflects your book. Then fill in the rest of the details with your bio and some relevant links to your website or blog.
Post about your book and share other people’s posts about books in your genre. Share content from other authors in the same certain genres as yours — maybe they’ll share yours in return! This will help build up an audience of people interested in reading similar stories.
Don’t overdo it with sales pitches. Focus on building relationships with potential readers by sharing interesting articles related to your book topic or genre and photos of you doing interesting things related to writing books or reading.
4. Join a blogging community.
As an author, you are part of a larger community. And if you want to sell books, you need to be a member of that community. The easiest way to do this is through blogging. There are many ways to make more money blogging, including ads and affiliate sales.
But one of the best ways is by selling your products — like ebooks or online courses — and offering free content for others. The most significant advantage of joining a blogging community is that other people will be interested in what you have to say.
Millions of people are looking for fresh ideas and new perspectives on current events, relationships, and business topics every day. If they like what they read on your blog or social media accounts, they’ll follow along with updates on everything from when you’re going out of town or having a bad day — even down to what kind of coffee you’re drinking.
5. Create a book trailer.
If you’re an author with a new book out, you may want to consider creating a book trailer to promote your book. A book trailer is a short video that gives people interested in your book an idea of what it’s about, who the characters are and why they should read it.
If you’ve never made a video before, don’t worry. You don’t need fancy equipment or even any experience with video editing software. You need a decent microphone, some free software, and some time to practice — which you can get by making videos for other purposes.
These days, you don’t have to be an expert at video editing or even know how to use video editing software at all. There are many free tools available on the Web that will allow almost anyone to create great-looking videos with just a few clicks of the mouse.
6. Attend events and talk about your books.
Attending events can help you sell books because it allows you to meet more people who may be interested in reading your book. You will also have the opportunity to connect with them and get feedback on how they feel about your work. If potential readers enjoy what they hear, they may purchase a copy of your book.
Another benefit of attending events is that it allows you to network with other authors who have already published their work. This can be helpful because it will enable you to gain insight into what works and what doesn’t when marketing and selling books.
Frequently asked questions
Here are answers to some of your questions about where to sell my book.
What types of ebooks sell best?
You can write and sell many different ebooks to your audience. Some of the most popular ones include:
How-to ebooks: | These offer step-by-step instructions on how to do something, whether making money online or building a successful business. |
Nonfiction ebooks: | These are books based on facts and nonfiction research, such as self-help books and business books. Nonfiction ebooks can be almost any length, though longer texts tend to sell books better than shorter ones. |
Fiction ebooks: | Fiction novels are books that tell fictional stories about characters from all walks of life and different places around the world. |
How many pages is the average book?
A typical book is around 250 pages, but many are much shorter, and a few are much longer. The exact number of pages depends on the font size used and how many words there are per page.
The average length of a book varies widely depending on the type of book. A novel or short story collection might run between 80 and 120 pages, while an academic textbook or reference book can be several hundred pages long.
The book industry is a vast, complicated beast. It’s hard to know where to start, who to trust and what to do. Where you choose to sell books can significantly affect your overall sales, so it’s best to research your options and find the site that fits your needs and goals. If you’re a new author and continually asking yourself, “where to sell my book?” use this guide to help you!