Many people claim they can write a book, but few invest the time, energy, and resources necessary to learn how to become an author and see their book idea through to publication. Being a published author is not easy. You cannot simply stuff a bunch of data into a book and call it a novel. It takes time and effort to create something truly remarkable. The good news is that your efforts will never be in vain as long as you remain dedicated. Do you want to know how to become an author? Here’s a guide to help you start your author journey.
Table of Contents
8 Steps you need to do to be an author

If you genuinely wish to be an author, you must prepare to spend numerous hours each day brainstorming new and exciting ideas. This checklist can help you learn how to become an author, develop a creative writing rhythm, and guide you toward a successful writing career.
1. Learn to read more
To succeed as a writer, one must first master the art of voracious reading as the first step to becoming an author. Read everything available.
Make it a point to read both things you know you’ll enjoy and things you’re confident you won’t. When looking for a new book to read, a librarian, a friend, or a used bookstore owner are all excellent places to start.
You may request a recommendation from any of them.
As you increase the number of books you read and the number of books you read in general, you will expose yourself to better writing.
You’re subconsciously absorbing the text’s elements, and before you know it, you’ll be incorporating them into your creative writing. Additionally, reading serves as a creative outlet. With more ideas, it becomes easier to put them down on paper.
The best writers are also the most astute readers.
Reading frequently can assist you in improving your writing by strengthening your vocabulary, grammar, and writing structure. As a writer, you’ll benefit from the enhanced critical thinking and cognitive function that regular reading can provide.
2. Build your skills

To be a successful author, you must possess a unique set of skills. Anyone can jot their thoughts down. You aspire to be a published author and would like to enhance your writing abilities. The following are author skills that you should develop when learning how to become an author:
- Grammar and Spelling
If your book is full of grammatical and spelling errors, no one will bother to read it. Due to these errors, it’s challenging to complete your work.
Authors are expected to have a strong command of the English language, including proper grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. You can consider enrolling in writing and English classes to improve your skills.
- Communication
To tell your story effectively, you must be able to communicate effectively. It includes effectively using language to describe, illustrate, and motivate your audience. To be a successful author, you must communicate clearly and succinctly through the written word. Additionally, you must be familiar with your audience, including their communication styles and preferences, to be effective.
- Concentration
Concentration is critical if you wish to finish your book. If you lack focus, procrastination is more likely to occur. Put your goal of becoming a published author at the top of your priority list.
The most effective method of writing a book is to dedicate a specific amount of time each week to it. Consider writing during the time of day when you are most focused to assist you in remaining focused.
- Courage
It’s not a bad thing to write from the heart. Prepare to have your expectations dashed. Never be afraid to fail spectacularly at first. Writing is a courageous act.
To ascertain the truth, you must be able to delve deeply into your character’s mind. Write fearlessly and honestly, embracing uncertainty.
3. Seek a writing community
For those who want to know how to become an author and prefer to write independently, an online community can be a wealth of inspiration and encouragement.
Whether you’re a published author or just getting started, there is no better place to meet other writers than a writing group if you’re interested in writing. Encouragement and support are critical for serious writers.
Having the encouragement and support of others can mean the difference between completing a half-finished draft and publishing a book.
It’s critical to have access to a supportive group of peers to improve as a writer.
Regardless of whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, it’s true. If you’ve written a significant amount of work, you will require assistance. Writing advice from fellow authors can help you improve your work by pointing out plot holes, emphasizing the importance of grammar and punctuation, or recommending books on specific genres and techniques.
Because members of a community are so diverse in every way, being in their company opens up an entire universe of perspectives.
Additionally, a writing group can be an excellent forum for sharing self-developed writing techniques, information about upcoming readings, seminars, workshops, and news about international creative writing competitions and events.
4. Start with short pieces
Writing is a skill that you will develop gradually when learning how to become an author. When writing a book, it’s best to begin with minor details and work your way up.
As the next step to becoming an author, it’s necessary to establish your capabilities. If you’re interested in writing fiction, you may want to begin with short stories to familiarize yourself with the process.
Writing a brief essay before embarking on a lengthy non-fiction piece is an excellent way to acclimate.
By reading and writing short stories, you can practice writing concisely.
The word limit of a short story necessitates frugality during the writing process. By omitting excessive information, you can get straight to the point.
Once you’ve mastered this habit, you’ll be able to apply the same principles to novels, resulting in a page-turning story.
Additionally, it aids in the development of a following.
When your short stories gain traction, you’re likely to have a readership eagerly awaiting your debut novel.
Those who enjoy your short stories are likely to enjoy your book and be willing to pay for it due to their familiarity with your writing style. Inquiring whether your followers wish to read a novel is an excellent way to gauge their interest.
5. Plan and write your first novel

This step is an uncommon accomplishment when planning how to become an author. Procrastination and a lack of motivation stem from the writer’s fear.
To succeed as an author, you’ll need to develop a strategy. A simple note on the back of an envelope, or even just an idea, may suffice for some writers, while others prefer to organize their thoughts with diagrams and notes.
Create an outline to gain a sense of how your story will unfold.
Consider the beginning, middle, and conclusion.
It serves as a jumping-off point for your writing, and it will evolve as you write. Once you have the outline for your book, create a writing schedule.
If you do not begin writing immediately, you will never complete your book.
Without a strategy, you’re unlikely to complete the task.
Each day, schedule time for writing in a distraction-free environment.
Using an online word and page counter can assist you in keeping track of the words and pages you write each day. Finally, but certainly not least, finish writing your rough draft! Utilize your outline as a roadmap for your writing. While you are writing, do not edit your first draft. Maintain focus on the story, the characters, and the action. Following that, you must move on to the editing process.
6. Edit your book
Within the first few pages of your manuscript, a professional editor can determine whether or not it is worth further consideration. The editing process will determine the success of your book.
Because you edit your book before sending it to a professional editor, you have the most control over the final product.
Publishers can generally get a good sense of a book’s potential after reading the first few pages. While a writer learns how to become an author, publishers train to have a good eye on checking works.
Your hook should appear within the first five paragraphs to provide readers with an overview of the central conflict. Beginning with an intriguing story will assist you in avoiding a later dissatisfied letter.
Although a professional editor will handle your book professionally before publication, the author prefers to present a clean manuscript that people can read critically without distraction from errors.
Read the story aloud, chapter by chapter, to understand how the sentences are structured and unfold the story.
It will serve as a jumping-off point for your review. After you’ve spent some time editing your manuscript, it’s a good idea to solicit feedback from a few trusted readers. Instead of allowing the person to whom you’re pitching your book to be the first person to read it, seek out beta readers.
7. Acquire a literary agent
Traditional publishers require aspiring authors to go through a lengthy process that includes locating the appropriate publishers, querying, pitching, and negotiating a contract.
For a debut novelist learning how to become an author successfully and hoping to secure a traditional publishing deal, the most likely next step is to seek the assistance of an agent.
The publishing industry is highly competitive. A literary agent can assist a debut author in standing out from the crowd of self-published authors vying for the same amount of attention and publication opportunities.
For one thing, an agent-submitted manuscript is presumptive of high quality.
Publishers can be confident that a manuscript submitted by an agent is well-written and deserving of consideration. Due to the size of publishers’ slush piles, a manuscript with an agent has a much better chance of survival.
Hiring an agent is the best course of action if you are ambitious and confident in your manuscript and wish to compete with the world’s largest and most prestigious publishing houses.
First-time authors greatly benefit from an agent’s training, experience, and long tenure in the publishing industry, contributing to their success.
To ensure that your book sells for the highest possible price, you require the expertise of an agent.
8. Get your book published

As intimidating as it can be for you to learn how to become an author, learning how to get your work published can be even more intimidating.
However, the chances of first-time novelists being published are improving as the book publishing industry increasingly relies on both digital and traditional publishing.
- Traditional publishing
This method of publication involves submitting a book to publishers for consideration. If they do, they’ll send you a contract and begin designing, formatting, and editing your book in preparation for publication. Typically, the publishing house is responsible for marketing and distribution. It’s critical to remember that obtaining a book deal is extremely difficult and may require years of rejection.
- Self-publishing
Rather than waiting for their work to be accepted by a publisher, many authors opt to self-publish. Self publishing entails writing a book and initiating the publishing process independently, without the assistance of a publisher. You are responsible for the book’s publication preparations, including design, formatting, editing process, and submission. After securing a publishing platform, you’re in charge of marketing and distribution. Here are several methods for self publishing your work.
1. Audiobook
Audiobooks have grown in popularity among today’s readers. Audiobooks, like printed novels, can be published by a traditional publisher or by the author directly.
2. Print-on-demand
When it comes to publishing a book, print on demand is the most risk-free method because only one copy is printed for each customer who places an order.
3. Ebook
On-demand distribution of digital copies of a book is even simpler because no paper or printing equipment is required.
Once your first book is published, and you’ve had time to reflect on the experience, it’s time to move on to the next project. To earn a living as an author, you must constantly produce new work. Bear in mind that the process will become easier as you write more books.
15 tips to help you succeed

Success does not come to those who sit back and wait; it requires effort. Consider the following tips on how to become an author who can succeed in the industry.
1. Create a game plan
To improve your chances of success, you must first define your objectives when first planning how to become an author. Create an action plan to accelerate your success.
Your action plan should include three sections: immediate, short-term, and long-term goals. You may wish to increase readership for your short stories in the short term by consistently producing works that appeal to your target audience.
A long-term goal might be to complete the planning stage and begin writing the novel you’ve always desired to write. Whatever your goals are, if you don’t write them down, you’re less likely to achieve them, and tracking and revising them becomes more difficult.
2. Enhance your online presence
Having an online presence, such as a blog or website, is critical for optimizing your visibility and showcasing your writing ability to secure additional writing projects. By establishing a website now, you’ll make it easier to land a book deal later, as you’ll already have cultivated an online readership.
You can tailor your content and branding to the platform you’ve chosen to publish. Additionally, you can schedule posts to pique your followers’ interests. As a new writer, you are unlikely to have the funds necessary to pay for a website immediately. Numerous platforms allow you to create a free website and upgrade to a paid plan.
3. Collect feedback
To succeed as a writer, you need as much candid feedback as possible when learning how to become an author. Contact someone you trust, preferably multiple people, and solicit feedback on your work.
Solicit their frankness to assist you in improving. While you may not agree with everything they say, it will ultimately help you improve as a writer.
Numerous organizations exist devoted to writing. It’s an excellent way to get feedback from other writers who are in a similar situation to you. They can shed invaluable light on your work and suggest ways to improve it.
4. Participate in workshops and courses
Storytelling and creative writing are abilities that must be developed and honed over time. Enroll in classes and workshops to hone your storytelling skills.
Seek out programs that place a greater emphasis on the craft of writing than on grammar or mechanics.
There, you can connect with other successful writers on a similar path. You can share your experiences and benefit from the experiences of others who are in similar situations.
5. Maintain a sense of discipline

Even if you can only spare a few hours per day, ensure that you work on your book for the entire time allotted. If you’re new to learning how to become an author, the most effective way to establish a consistent writing practice is to schedule time for writing. Making it happen requires commitment and dedication.
However, by incorporating writing into your daily life, you can reap the benefits of a completed novel. Examine your daily and weekly schedules for writing opportunities. Your novel’s success is contingent upon your desire to write it.
6. Create an outline
If you don’t know how to start writing a book, the best way is to create an outline of your story. By having the story beats and key plot points mapped out, you’ll have a clear understanding of how the story should progress. Your outline doesn’t need to be extensive, but it should provide enough structure that you can follow as you write.
7. Write every day
When learning how to become an author, one of the most important things you can do is develop a consistent writing habit. The best way to do this is to set aside time each day for writing. Even if you can only spare a few hours per day, ensure that you work on your book for the entire time allotted.
8. Join a supportive community
One of the best ways to improve your writing is to connect with other writers. There are numerous online and offline communities that you can join. These communities provide a space for you to share your work, give and receive feedback, and connect with other writers who are on a similar journey.
9. Read often
If you want to learn how to become an author, one of the best things you can do is read as much as possible. Reading will expose you to different writing styles, genres, and structures. As you read, pay attention to how the authors tell their stories and what techniques they use to engage their readers. Then, see how you can incorporate those techniques into your own writing.
10. Be persistent

The process of learning how to become an author can be long and difficult. There will be times when you feel like giving up. But if you’re truly passionate about writing, don’t give up on your dream. The only way to achieve success is to keep moving forward, one step at a time.
11. Get professional help
If you’re serious about becoming an author, it’s important to get professional help. There are a number of services that can assist you in bringing your book to life, from developmental editing to cover design. While these services are not essential, they can be helpful in ensuring that your book is the best it can be.
12. Publish your book
Once you’ve completed writing your book, it’s time to start thinking about how you want to self publish it. There are a number of different options available to authors, from traditional publishing to self-publishing. Consider your goals for your book and choose the option that will best suit your needs.
13. Market your book
Once your book is published, it’s time to start marketing it. There are a number of different ways to market your book, from online advertising to speaking engagements. The most important thing is to get your book into the hands of as many readers as possible.
14. Keep writing
The journey of learning how to become an author doesn’t end when you self publish your first book. To be a successful author, you need to keep writing and publishing new books. The more books you have available, the more likely you are to find success.
15. Never give up
The path to becoming an author is not always easy. There will be times when you feel like giving up. But if you’re truly passionate about writing, don’t give up on your dream. The only way to achieve success is to keep moving forward, one step at a time.
10 common mistakes when planning to be an author

Being an author is a challenging task. If you plan for it, you must be aware of the challenges and difficulties that come with it. Here we’ll discuss some common mistakes people make when planning to become an author so that you can avoid them in the future:
Not writing
The best way to learn how to write is to write. You can’t sit down and decide that you will be a good writer. It doesn’t work like that.
When you decide on what type of book you want to write, start with an outline and then fill in the blanks with what needs writing next. This will help keep your story moving along instead of getting stuck somewhere along the way.
An excellent way to keep your story moving is to try not to use too many adjectives, adverbs, or metaphors. It’s best to stick with the basics and let your characters do the talking for you.
Another good way to keep your story moving is to try not to use too many adjectives, adverbs or metaphors. It’s best to stick with the basics and let your characters do the talking for you.
Not having a clear goal
The authors’ most common mistake is not having a clear goal. You can’t achieve something if you don’t know what it is that you want to achieve or how to get there.
This is especially true when writing your book: if you don’t know what the end result is supposed to look like, how will you know when it’s done?
You also need to ensure that once your book is finished and published, anyone who picks it up will see that its purpose was clearly stated on the cover or in their first chapter—and that’s where knowing exactly what direction your story will take comes into play.
It may seem obvious that every author needs a concise understanding of his or her subject matter before sitting down at his keyboard (or pen), but this isn’t always so easy for new writers who had never written anything before in their lives—or even experienced writers who’ve never had a project go from conception through publication before!
Pouring your heart into every word and never finishing the work
As an author, it’s essential to focus on what your readers want—not what you want. If you’re writing for yourself, then the story is just for you, and nobody else will care about it.
Another mistake many new authors make is that they don’t finish their work.
This can be a huge problem because if no one reads your book, they won’t buy any of your books in the future either!
Remember that a first draft isn’t final; it’s just a beginning point. Your job as an author is to get better at writing with each rough draft that passes by.
A common mistake by new authors is getting hung up on small details instead of focusing on finishing the whole story at once first before going back later to edit things here and there throughout each chapter or section until every word feels right (this requires lots of practice).
Thinking the book is “done”
When you think the book is “done,” it’s not. It can always be improved, made better, and more readable. And don’t forget that with your writing skills, you can make it more marketable!
So, you’ve written your book. You’re ready to share it with the world. But before you do, there are a few things that you need to consider.
First, what are you writing your book for? Is it to share an important message with the world? Is it to make people laugh or cry? Or is it simply because you have a story that needs to be told?
Once you’ve answered this question, you can determine your audience.
For example, if you’re writing a book to share an important message with the world, then your audience is anyone who will benefit from that message.
If it’s to make people laugh or cry, then your target audience is those who enjoy reading humorous books or novels that make them feel deeply emotional.
If you’re writing a book simply because you have a story that needs to be told, then your audience is anyone interested in hearing it.
Once you’ve determined who the book is for, then it’s time to figure out what they want from it.
What do they need from this book? What will make them want to read it over other books?
Another tip is to try not to use too many words that are similar in meaning.
So, for example, if you say something like “She walked with a quickened step,” instead of saying she walked quickly or hurriedly, your reader may feel like they’re reading the same sentence repeatedly.
Trying to write just one book and never thinking about future projects
It’s an understandable mistake to think that the only thing you need to do when writing a book is to write the book. Of course, planning is important.
And, of course, it’s helpful to have a plan for your writing career. You’ll need more than one book if you want to make money and be successful as an author.
If you think about it, though, writing multiple books is something we all do every day: even if you’re working at a day job where your work isn’t creative or intellectual (like being a secretary), there are still many different ways that each day could play out in terms of how much work gets done and how things go with clients or coworkers.
A secretary could be super productive one day but not at all the next; she might be busy with meetings one week but have plenty of downtimes another week; she might get yelled at by her boss on Monday but praised lavishly by him on Friday—the possibilities are endless!
That’s why brainstorming ideas for future projects will help keep things interesting and give readers more of what they want from their favorite authors.
Writing too fast because you’re trying to sell yourself as “efficient”
You’ve probably heard that a successful writer writes at least 1000 words daily. You might think this is a good idea, but it’s not.
Writing fast can make you miss out on essential things in your writing – like plot holes and character development.
The problem with writing too much too soon is that you don’t have the time or energy to fix your mistakes before they’re published (and boy, there will be mistakes). If this doesn’t scare you off, then it should!
Instead of following the advice of someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, take your time when writing. Make sure each word counts: if it doesn’t add anything significant, cut it out!
It’s also important not to rush through planning before starting on any project because then, when something inevitably goes wrong later down the line, there’ll be no way to change course without losing valuable time/money/emotion invested into something which may have been better left undone from the beginning.
Trying to write only what you would like to read, not what readers want

It is crucial to keep the reader in mind when writing a book. You need to know what readers want and then deliver it.
You can ask friends and family for their opinion, but you should also research on your own.
The best way to learn what readers want is by reading reviews of books similar to yours.
Reviews are posted online by people who have already purchased the book and read it, so they can give an honest assessment of its strengths and weaknesses.
It’s also important to talk with other writers through social media groups or forums on the Internet – they’ll be able to tell you what makes an engaging story worth reading again and again!
Ignoring potential fans because you don’t think anyone will like your book
Although it’s important to have confidence in your work, the opposite is also true—you should not assume that people will like what you’ve written.
Your book could be brilliant, but if it doesn’t speak to anyone, then there is no point in writing it.
Instead of worrying about whether or not your book will be popular, focus on making sure that it’s something people want to read.
While working on your manuscript, ask people for their feedback on parts of the story or characters.
If they’re interested in reading more, ask them if they’d be willing to provide an honest review when the book comes out (and follow up with them later).
This will help ensure that those who are interested in this type of story are aware of its existence when it goes live!
Not getting an editor and/or cover designer
With so many tasks to accomplish before your book is ready to publish, it’s easy to overlook the importance of hiring professionals for certain jobs.
You need an editor and professional book cover designer if you want to self publish a quality book.
Your manuscript will be at least 300 pages long so editing will take time—and with a tight budget, hiring someone else may not be feasible.
But don’t worry!
You can still get professional help without breaking the bank (or your back). The first step is finding an editor who offers affordable rates online or through sites like Upwork or Fiverr.
The next thing you should do is make sure their editing services include revision control (so you can see what changes were made), grammar checking and style checks, and proofreading services.
This ensures all errors are caught before publication!
And last but not least: make sure they have experience working with authors looking for these types of services before signing any contracts—you wouldn’t want them making mistakes when trying something new!
Thinking that getting published will turn you into a millionaire
When you publish your book, you’ll be a “published author.” You can tell people about it, and they’ll say things like:
“Oh, wow! That’s amazing. I always wanted to write a book.”
Or, if they’re feeling particularly generous:
“That sounds great. What’s it called?” (And then they’ll ask for the title again an hour later.)
But what does writing and publishing a book really mean? The answer is not as simple as becoming rich or famous—and there are more ways to get published than just traditional publishing deals with major publishers.
For example, Self-publishing has gained popularity in recent years because e-books have become more accessible and affordable than ever before.
Publishing an ebook is easy enough that anyone can do it by creating their website and uploading their work online through this website’s interface; however, there are many costs associated with self-publishing that need consideration before making this decision, such as cover design services or editing fees (which may be waived if the author does them themselves).
In addition, sales revenue from self-published ebooks may only amount between $2-$4 per sale due to low distribution channels; however, these types of books often require less upfront cost, so authors can take longer before recouping their investments into their craft which could take years before they start seeing profits after investing thousands into marketing efforts beforehand!
This type of system requires careful planning on behalf of its creator so please keep this fact in mind when deciding whether publishing electronically versus physically might suit the best interests based on the current situation/needs at hand!
Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to some of your frequently asked questions!
How much does an author make?
While there is no standard for determining how much an author earns, it is critical to understand that an author’s salary ranges widely. Some authors earn millions, while others earn nothing.
However, many authors are now earning a full-time living from their writing careers. Writers live in an era when opportunities to make money from their creative endeavors are plentiful.
National Average Salary | $40,000 – $50,000 (depending on experience) |
First-Time Authors (Traditional Major Publishing) | $5,000 – $10,000 |
First-Time Authors (Small Press) | $1,000-$2,000 |
Self-Published Authors | 70% royalties from book |
Traditional-Published Authors | 5-15% royalties on print books, 25% royalties on ebooks |
What makes a good writer?
“Writing is an art form.” While these assertions are accurate, they can also obstruct the pragmatism required of aspiring authors and writers. You may adore the romanticized portrayal of the work, the writing concept. However, is your writing feasible?
In other words, are you aware of the person on the opposite side of the page – the reader? Is the writing you produce meeting a market requirement? To make a living as a writer, you will almost certainly have to abandon your ideas and fantasies about the work.
An extensive vocabulary and the technical ability to construct perfectly balanced sentences do not guarantee that you will be a good writer. If you can move people, you will develop into a great writer. Engaging, educating, and inspiring others contribute to your growth as a writer.
Is writing a good career?
Authors have one of the most fulfilling careers. This high happiness index could result from the authors’ equal degree of freedom. You can work independently as a freelancer, have the creative freedom to express yourself through your writing, and have the space to collaborate with various partners, including clients, editors, and publishers.
Is writing a viable career choice? Yes! However, standing out among the sea of aspiring authors requires exceptional writing abilities. Additionally, it necessitates considerable effort and dependability, and a humble attitude.
Furthermore, you’ll need a thick skin; therefore, practice incorporating constructive criticism and resist giving up after a series of rejections. Persevere, and it is possible. Those who achieve tremendous success as writers never give up.
What are the ten common challenges of a new writer?
Here are some of the common challenges you might face as a new author.
1. Not knowing where to start
Do you have an idea for a book but don’t know how to get started? Writing can be daunting, and it’s often hard to know where to begin. The best way to start is simply to start writing. Don’t worry about how good or bad your work is. Just get the words down on paper (or screen). Once you have something to work with, you can begin revising and editing your work and making it into something great.
2. Not having enough time
One of the most common excuses for not writing is that you don’t have enough time. But the truth is, everyone has the same amount of time in a day. It’s all about how you use that time. If you want to be a writer, you need to make time for writing. Even if it’s just a few minutes a day, those minutes will add up, and you’ll eventually have a finished piece of work.
3. Not knowing what to write about
If you’re suffering from writer’s block, it can help to start by brainstorming a list of potential topics. Once you have some ideas, choose the one that interests you the most or the one that you feel most passionate about. Then, start doing some research on that topic. The more you know about it, the easier it will be to write about it.
4. Not being able to find the right words
Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right words to express your thoughts and feelings. If you’re having trouble, try looking up synonyms for the words you want to use or consult a thesaurus. You can also try reading your work out loud, to see how it sounds. If something doesn’t sound quite right, chances are it isn’t the right word.
5. Not being able to stick to a schedule
One of the most important things for a writer is to develop a writing habit. This means setting aside time each day (or week) to write and then sticking to that schedule as best as you can. It’s okay if you miss a day here and there, but try not to let too much time go by without doing any writing. The longer you go without writing, the harder it will be to start again.
6. Not being able to finish what you start
Many writers start projects but never finish them. If you find yourself in this situation, it might help to set some smaller goals, such as writing a certain number of words each day or finishing a chapter within a certain time frame. Once you reach those goals, you’ll be one step closer to finishing your project.
7. Not being satisfied with your work
It’s normal to feel like your work is never good enough. But it’s important to remember that all writers go through this. The only way to get better is to keep writing and revise and edit your work as much as possible. With each new piece of writing, you’ll learn more about your craft, and you’ll get closer to creating something that you’re truly proud of.
8. Not getting published
Getting published can be a long and difficult writing process. But if you believe in your work and you’re willing to keep trying. Eventually, you will find a publisher who believes in you too. Remember that it’s not just about getting your work out there—it’s also about finding the right fit for your work. Don’t give up, and eventually, you’ll see your work in print.
9. Not making any money
Many writers don’t make a lot of money from their work, at least not at first. But if you’re in it for the love of writing and you’re willing to keep working at it, eventually, you will start to see some success. It might not be overnight, but if you stick with it, you will be able to make a living from your writing.
10. Not being able to find the right audience
One of the most difficult things for a writer is finding an audience for their work. But there are a number of ways to reach potential readers, such as social media, blogging, and even traditional marketing techniques. Just remember that it takes time to build an audience, so don’t give up if you don’t see results right away. Keep working at it, and eventually, you’ll find the people who are interested in what you have to say.
How many words do you need to publish a book?
There are no hard-and-fast rules governing a book’s word count. There are, however, some guidelines you need to know alongside how to become an author. For instance, novels are typically between 40,000 and 200,000 words in length. Numerous subgenres exist in fiction, which affects the book’s length.
Children’s books range in price from 10,000 to 15,000 words. The typical length of a mystery or young adult novel is between 40,000 and 80,000 words. The word count of thrillers and epic fantasy novels frequently exceeds 100,000.
Non-fiction books also have a wide range of word counts. While many short and speedy books are between 40,000 and 60,000 words in length, many non-fiction works are between 80,000 and 100,000 words in length. An established author can succeed in pushing the envelope in some way. The best rule to follow as a new author is to keep your book within the standard range possible.
When deciding how to become an author, you need to consider everything. Work with reliable people, hone your writing skills, increase your network, and let your imagination run free. If you truly desire it, it is possible to become a published author. Whether you choose traditional or self-publishing, getting the process right is critical. Don’t be intimidated by the magnitude of the task. Making time for writing is a sign that you are ready to become an author.