subtitle of a book

Subtitle Of A Book: Guide To Writing The Perfect One

A subtitle can make or break a book. Many believe that the subtitle is even more important than the title itself! Why? Because a well-written subtitle can not only give potential readers an idea of what your book is about, but it can also pique their curiosity and persuade them to buy it. So, how do you write a great subtitle of a book? Keep reading to find out!

What is the subtitle of a book?

The subtitle of a book is a subtitle of a book. A subtitle is a secondary title that conveys more information about the book’s contents than the main title. It may be placed on the cover below the main title or the title page following the main title. The subtitle can provide additional information about the book that may not be immediately apparent from the main title.

For example, a book about the history of the American Civil War may have the title “The Civil War” and the subtitle “A History of the American Civil War.” This subtitle tells potential readers that the book will provide an overview of the entire conflict rather than focus on a specific battle or event. In addition, subtitles can help indicate a book’s genre or tone.

For instance, a novel with the main title “The Great Gatsby” might have the subtitle “A Novel of Love and Desire.” This subtitle would tell readers that the book is a work of fiction and will likely focus on themes of love and desire. Ultimately, whether or not to include a subtitle is up to the author or publisher; however, subtitles can help provide information about a book’s contents and genre.

Seven reasons to write a book subtitle

You may have heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. But what about a subtitle? A subtitle can tell potential readers everything they need to know about your book in just a few short words. And in today’s competitive market, an eye-catching and informative subtitle can be the difference between a book that sells and one that doesn’t. Here are seven reasons why you should write a subtitle for your book.

1. To capture readers’ attention

A subtitle of a book is vital to engage potential readers. A great subtitle should reflect the book’s central themes but also something that would make someone want to pick up the book and learn more. For example, a subtitle for a book about the history of the United States could be: “A New History of the United States: From Columbus to the 21st Century.”

This subtitle provides just enough information to pique someone’s interest while also hinting at some of the main topics covered in the book. In short, a great subtitle is informative and enticing and should give potential readers a taste of what they can expect from the book.

2. To provide information

A subtitle is a great way to provide additional information about your book. It can help explain the plot, setting, or characters and be a helpful tool for marketing your book. A subtitle can also help to distinguish your book from others in the same genre. However, choosing a subtitle carefully is essential, as it will be permanent once published.

If you’re unsure what subtitle to choose, consider asking your friends or family for their opinion. Ultimately, the best subtitle accurately reflects your book’s content and catches the reader’s attention.

3. To increase sales

The subtitle of a book can be a great way to increase sales for your book. It allows you to put additional information on the cover of your book that can help potential readers understand what your book is about. In addition, a subtitle can help make your book more searchable online, leading to more sales.

A subtitle should be short, punchy, and to the point. It should also be relevant to the book’s content. For example, a subtitle for a book about history might be “A Concise History of the World.” A subtitle for a thriller might be “The Killer’s Next Victim.” The best way to develop a subtitle that will sell your book is to brainstorm a few options and test them out on potential readers. 

4. To establish credibility

The subtitle of a book is essential for helping to establish the book’s credibility. By carefully crafting the subtitle, authors can help to ensure that their book stands out from the competition and attracts the attention of potential readers.

A well-chosen subtitle can also provide valuable information about the book’s contents and the author’s expertise. When selecting a subtitle, authors should take care to choose something that is both accurate and catchy. The perfect subtitle can make all the difference in whether a book is successful.

5. To boost search engine optimization (SEO)

While many people focus on the title of a book when it comes to search engine optimization, the subtitle can be just as important. A subtitle can provide essential information that can help boost your book’s ranking in search results. For instance, including keywords in your subtitle can help potential readers to find your book more easily.

In addition, a well-chosen subtitle can also help to pique potential readers’ interest and convince them to click on your book’s listing. As a result, spending some time choosing an effective subtitle can be well worth the effort to boost your book’s SEO.

6. To improve readability

A subtitle can be a great way to improve the readability of a book. By providing additional information about the book’s content, a subtitle can help potential readers understand what the book is about and whether it is something they would be interested in reading.

In addition, subtitles can help clarify the book’s theme or main point. For instance, a subtitle such as “A Guide to Gardening for Beginners” would let readers know that the book will provide them with information on how to get started in gardening. 

7. To create a lasting impression

When you’re writing a book, the subtitle is your chance to create a lasting impression. It should accurately reflect the book’s content and tone while also being catchy and memorable. To get it right, brainstorm a few potential subtitles with different people.

See which resonates the most, then refine them until you have a subtitle that you’re happy with. With a great subtitle, you’ll be well on your way to creating a book that will make a lasting impression.

Seven tips for writing the subtitle of a book

book subtitle

A great subtitle will make potential readers want to learn more about your book and give them a better sense of what the book is about. Here are seven tips for writing an excellent subtitle for your book.

1. Keep it short and sweet

Your subtitle should be short and to the point. Keep in mind that potential readers will see your subtitle before they see your title, so make sure it’s exciting and engaging. Focus on one key benefit or takeaway that you want readers to get from your book. And whatever you do, don’t try to be funny—subtitles are not the place for puns or jokes.

2. Make sure it’s relevant

Your subtitle should be relevant to your book’s overall theme. It should give readers a taste of what they can expect to learn from reading your book. For example, if your book is about leadership, your subtitle could be “7 Lessons from the Greatest Leaders of Our Time.” 

3. Use keyword-rich language

Including keywords in your subtitle is a great way to help potential readers find your book when they’re searching online. When selecting keywords, think about the words and phrases people would use to search for a book like yours. For example, if your book is about social media marketing, some possible keywords could be “social media,” “marketing,” “strategy,” or “Twitter.” 

4. Be clear and concise

Your subtitle should be precise and to the point. It should give potential readers a general idea of your book without being too specific. For example, if your book is about the history of the American Revolution, a good subtitle might be “A Concise History of the American Revolution.” 

5. Avoid unnecessarily complex language

You want your subtitle to be accessible to as many people as possible. That means avoiding unnecessarily complex language. Stick to words that everyone will understand—you can show off your extensive vocab in the book itself. 

6. Make it snappy and catchy, if possible

Besides being clear, your subtitle should be snappy and catchy, if possible. This will help it stand out from the crowd and make potential readers more likely to remember it (and, as a result, your book). Of course, don’t sacrifice clarity for cleverness—if you can’t think of a catchy subtitle that accurately captures what your book is about, it’s better to play it safe and go with something simple. 

7. Keep it consistent with the tone of your book

Finally, ensure that your subtitle is consistent with the tone of your book. If your book is lighthearted and funny, your subtitle should be too. On the other hand, if your book is serious or dark, so should your subtitle. Inconsistency can confuse potential readers and make them less likely to pick up your book in the first place. 

Seven examples of famous book subtitles

A subtitle can be a great way to communicate the essence of a book in just a few words. In some cases, the subtitle can even be more famous than the book itself! Here are seven examples of famous book subtitles that perfectly capture the spirit of the work.

1. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye is one of the most beloved novels. And its subtitle—”A Novel”—is perhaps its most famous feature. By simply calling itself a “novel,” The Catcher in the Rye signaled to readers that it was something different, something special. And that’s precisely what it is.

2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird is another classic novel with an iconic subtitle—”Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.” Like The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird’s subtitle says very little about the book’s actual plot. But that’s precisely the point—it makes you curious and wants to discover more. And that curiosity is rewarded with one of the most outstanding books ever written.

3. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has one of the most clever subtitles of all time—”Don’t Panic.” Those two simple words perfectly capture the tone of Douglas Adams’ masterpiece—a blend of humor and science fiction has captivated readers for decades.

4. 1984 by George Orwell

1984 is one of the most influential novels ever written, and its subtitle—”The Book That Changed Our View of History”—says it all. George Orwell changed our understanding of history and politics forever by giving us a glimpse into a future where totalitarianism has taken over.

5 . The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is one of the most acclaimed novels of all time, and its subtitle—”The American Dream”—is central to its themes and ideas. Fitzgerald’s novel tells the story of Jay Gatsby, a man who devoted his life to chasing after an ideal that was ultimately unattainable. In doing so, Fitzgerald showed us that the American Dream is not always what it seems. 

6 . Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest novels ever written, and its subtitle—”A Novel in Six Parts With Epilogues”—indicates its scope and ambition. Dostoevsky’s novel follows Raskolnikov, who commits murder out of desperation but ultimately finds redemption through suffering. It’s a powerful story about morality, guilt, and hope told on an epic scale. 

7 . Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein is one of the most influential horror stories ever written, and its subtitle—”The Modern Prometheus”—references one of mythology’s most tragic figures. By likening Victor Frankenstein to Prometheus (a character who defied the gods and was punished for it), Shelley created a tragic figure who was both relatable and sympathetic—something that few horror villains can achieve. 

Seven common mistakes when writing the subtitle of a book

subtitle of a book

The subtitle of a book is essential! It may be the make-or-break factor when it comes to someone deciding whether or not to read your book. Its importance is two-fold. Not only does it need to reflect your book’s contents accurately, but it also needs to be exciting and engaging enough to make people want to read it. Let’s look at seven common mistakes that authors make when writing subtitles so that you can avoid them in your work.

1. Making the subtitle too long 

You want your subtitle to be concise and to the point. You don’t want readers to get lost in a long, run-on sentence. Be clear and direct in what you are trying to say.  

2. Not making the subtitle specific enough 

Your subtitle should give readers a good idea of what they can expect in your book. People may not think that your book is for them if it’s too general. 

3. Failing to match the tone of the book 

If your book is light and humorous, your subtitle should reflect that. Likewise, if your book is more serious, your subtitle should also convey that. 

4. Not using keywords 

Remember those keywords we talked about earlier? They’re essential here too! Utilize keywords in your subtitle so that people can easily find your book when they search for it online. 

5. Using confusing or jargon-filled language 

You want your subtitle to be accessible to as many people as possible. That means avoiding jargon and using language that everyone will understand. 

6. Making false claims 

Don’t make promises in your subtitle that you can’t deliver on in the actual text of your book. That will only lead to disappointed readers who feel like they’ve been misled. 

7. Forgetting about SEO 

SEO (search engine optimization) is key in getting people to see your book online. Make sure to incorporate keywords throughout your subtitle so that people can easily find your work when they search for it online. 

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to some of your frequently asked questions related to book subtitles.

What is jargon?

Jargon is the specialized language people use in a particular profession or group. It usually includes words or phrases that have meaning within the group but might not be understood outside of it. Jargon often develops as shorthand ways of quickly communicating complex ideas among people familiar with the concepts. 

While jargon can help allow experts to communicate more efficiently with each other, it can also be exclusionary and make it difficult for that outside of the group to understand what’s being said. To be an effective communicator, it’s essential to be aware of both the benefits and challenges of jargon and use it thoughtfully.

Why is SEO important for book marketing?

Book marketing is the process of turning your book into a product and selling that product to readers. It’s essential to use SEO in book marketing so that potential readers can find your book when they search online. Here’s why SEO is so crucial for book marketing:

  • SEO is essential because it can help you reach more people with your book. Optimizing your website and your book’s listing on Amazon can ensure that your book appears higher in search results. This means more people will see your book, which could lead to more sales. 
  • SEO can also help you build credibility and authority as an author. When potential readers see that your book appears high in search results, they’ll be more likely to view you as an expert in your field. This can help you build a loyal following of readers who will continue to buy your books. 
  • Finally, SEO can help you save money on advertising. If you can get your book to rank high in search results, you won’t need to spend as much money on paid advertising. This can save you a lot of money in the long run, which can be reinvested into other areas of your business. 

Are book subtitles mandatory or optional?

No, subtitles are not mandatory, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use one if you think it would benefit your book. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to include a subtitle, ask yourself if it would help clarify your book’s theme or make it more appealing to potential readers. If so, then go ahead and add one! 

Whether or not to use a subtitle for your book is ultimately up to you as the author. If you think it will help sell more copies or attract prospective readers’ attention, go for it! However, don’t feel you have to include one just because everyone else seems to be doing it. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you write a great book that people will enjoy reading from cover to cover. 

Do publishers ask for book subtitles?

Generally speaking, no. In most cases, publishers leave it up to the author to choose their title (with guidance from their editor, of course). However, there are always exceptions to the rule. If an author is struggling to come up with a good title, or if the publisher feels like the working title doesn’t quite fit with the tone or content of the book, they may ask the author to come up with a subtitle instead. 

For example, say an author has written a lighthearted romantic comedy, but their working title is “Love in the Time of Cholera.” While that may be an accurate reflection of the novel’s events, it doesn’t quite fit with the tone. In this case, the publisher may ask for a subtitle that accurately reflects what readers can expect from the book. 

Final Words

Coming up with a great book title (with or without a subtitle) is not easy. But it’s worth taking some time to find something that accurately reflects what’s inside your pages—after all, it’s often the first thing potential readers will see. And while publishers generally don’t ask for subtitles, they may, in some cases, if they feel like it would better reflect the tone or content of your work. So whatever you do, don’t underestimate the power of a good (or bad) title!

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