book copyright page

Book Copyright Page: A Guide To Building One

You’ve just finished writing your latest masterpiece and can’t wait to publish it. But before you submit it to a publisher or self-publish it, you need to add one more important element: the copyright page. A copyright page is usually one of the last pages in a book. It contains essential information about the book’s copyright, publication date, and other legal notices. While some might skip over this page, having it in your book is crucial. Here’s what you need to know about building a book copyright page.

A copyright page is a page toward the beginning of a book that contains all the legal information about the book’s copyright. This page usually includes the book’s title, author (or authors), publisher, and edition number. The copyright page will also contain information about any special permissions for using copyrighted material within the book.

Besides being required by law to protect a book’s intellectual property, copyright pages can also be helpful for readers. The copyright page is often where readers will find out who to contact if they have questions or comments about the book. Copyright pages can also provide valuable context about a book’s publishing history – for example, if a book has been reprinted multiple times or if it has been translated into other languages. 

book copyright page

A few essential elements should be included on every copyright page. These include the following.

The copyright symbol or statement is the most crucial element on a copyright page. This is usually located at the top of the page and looks like “Copyright © 2019 John Doe.” The copyright symbol (©) indicates that the work is protected by copyright law.

The date that follows the copyright symbol indicates when the work was first published. In this example, the work was published in 2019. The name that comes after the date is usually the author or illustrator’s name, but it can also be the name of the publisher or other rights holder. 

After the copyright symbol or statement, you’ll need to include your name as the copyright holder. If you’re self-publishing, this will be your name. If you’re traditionally publishing, this will be either your name or the name of your publishing house. 

The publication date 

The next element of your copyright page is the publication date. This is simple enough—list the year your book was published. If your book has been revised since its original publication date, you can list all of the dates it has been published, like this: “First published in 2020; the second edition published in 2021.” 


The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique 13-digit number that identifies your book and helps people find it when they’re searching for it online. If you’re self-publishing, you can get an ISBN free from some websites. If you’re going the traditional publishing route, your publisher will usually assign an ISBN to your book. Either way, ensure your ISBN is prominently displayed on your copyright page.

Edition number 

If this is the first edition of your book, write “First Edition” on your copyright page. If it’s the second edition, write “Second Edition,” and so on. As for subsequent printings, most publishers will print something like “First Printing: March 2015” to indicate that this is the first batch of books printed with this particular ISBN. This information can be helpful for collectors interested in buying rare or out-of-print books.

Library of Congress Control Number 

The Library of Congress assigns a unique control number to every book they catalog. This number helps libraries and others keep track of your book and makes it easier for people to find it when they’re searching for it online. You can apply for a Library of Congress Control Number by following the instructions on their website: Once you have your number, include it on your copyright page.

Publisher’s information 

The publisher’s information typically includes the name, address, and contact information for the publisher and the date of publication. This information is essential for readers who want to get in touch with the publisher or know how current the book is. 


A dedication is a short statement from the author acknowledging someone (or something) that was important in their life during the book’s writing. This could be a spouse or partner who supported them, a friend who listened to their ideas, or even their favorite coffee shop where they did most of their writing. Dedications are optional, but they’re an excellent way for authors to thank those who helped them along the way.


An epigraph is a quotation that appears at the beginning of a chapter or section. It’s usually meant to set the tone for what’s coming or provide context for the reader. Epigraphs are also optional, but they can be fun to choose – especially if you find something appropriate or exciting. 


An acknowledgment is similar to dedication in that it’s a way for an author to thank important people during the writing process. However, acknowledgments are usually longer than dedications and often include specific details about how someone helped with the book.

For example, an author might acknowledge their editor for helping them tighten up their plot or their agent for finding homes for their work. Acknowledgments are also optional – but again, they’re an excellent way for authors to show appreciation for all the help they received. 


Credits usually appear at the end of a book (sometimes on the copyright page, sometimes on their separate page), and they list all the people who contributed to bringing the book into existence. This includes everyone from the illustrator and photographer (if there are any) to the printer and designer.

Credits are necessary because they help readers know who made the book and help authors ensure everyone involved gets proper credit for their work. 

Because copyright pages can be so important, you want to ensure you do them right. Here are some tips for writing a book copyright page that will help you get it right every time.

1. Start with the basics

When you’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into writing a book, the last thing you want is someone to steal your hard work. That’s where copyrighting your book comes in. Copyrighting your book will not only help protect your work but also give you some peace of mind. After all, once you’ve secured the copyright for your book, you can rest easy knowing that it’s yours. 

2. Use a standard format

Use a standard format to ensure that your copyright page is professional and easy to understand. This includes having the elements in the same order: title, author/creator information, publication date, country of protection, publisher information (if applicable), copyright notice (with year and owner of rights), ISBN (if applicable), Library of Congress Control Number (if applicable).

3. Include all the necessary elements

Make sure you include all the necessary elements on your copyright page. This should include the author’s name, the copyright date, and a statement that all rights are reserved. You might also want to include information about where the book was printed and who designed the cover. You’ll need to credit the illustrator if there are illustrations in the book. You want to make sure everyone who contributed to the book gets the credit they deserve.

There are also some legal requirements to be aware of when you’re writing your copyright page. One of these is the notice requirement, which states that you must include a specific copyright notice on your copyrighted work for your copyright to be valid. This notice should include the word “copyright,” the copyright symbol (c), and the year of publication. It’s also a good idea to include a statement that all rights are reserved. 

5. Use a disclaimer

A disclaimer is a statement that protects you from liability if someone uses your work unauthorized or gets hurt while using it. For example, suppose you’re writing a self-help book. In that case, you might want to include a disclaimer that says, “The information in this book is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used as professional medical advice.” If you’re unsure whether you need a disclaimer, talk to a lawyer before publishing your book. 

6. Be precise with punctuation

One of the most important things to include on your copyright page is the exact date of publication. Why is this so important? Because copyright law states that an author’s work is protected from the moment it is “fixed in a tangible medium.” In other words, if someone were to steal your work and publish it before you do, you would have a hard time proving that you are the actual author!

So make sure to include the publication date on your copyright page and your contact information. This will help you establish provenance if there are any questions about your work’s originality.

7. Don’t cram too much information

Your copyright page doesn’t need to be crammed full of legal jargon. Less is usually more when it comes to this page. All you need to include are the essentials: title of your work, date of publication, and contact information. Anything beyond that is just clutter. Remember, the goal of your copyright page is to establish your ownership of the work and give readers a way to contact you. It doesn’t need to be complicated!

8. Include contact information

Speaking of contact information, make sure to include it on your copyright page! Many authors mistakenly believe their contact information should only be included on the dedication or acknowledgments page. But including it on your copyright page also helps establish you as the actual author of the work and makes it easy for readers to get in touch with you if they have any questions or comments. 

One of the first things you’ll want to do when formatting your copyright page is to include the copyright symbol. The best way to do this is to type “copyright” followed by the appropriate year and your name, like “Copyright 2020 John Smith.” You can also abbreviate “copyright” as “Copr.” 

If you include a range of dates on your copyright page—for example, if your book has been through multiple printings or editions—you can use a hyphen to connect the first and last years in the range. For example: “Copyright 2004-2020 John Smith.” 

10. Proofread and revise

Once you’ve written your copyright page, take some time to proofread it and revise it as needed. This is important because even a tiny mistake on your copyright page could have significant consequences. If you’re unsure whether something looks right, ask a friend or colleague to take a look at it. 

Here are some of the common mistakes you should avoid when building a copyright page.

The copyright symbol © is one of the essential elements of your copyright page. It tells readers that your work is protected by copyright law and puts would-be infringers on notice that they could be liable for damages if they reproduce your work without permission. You could find yourself in hot water if you forget to include the copyright symbol.

2. Not including a disclaimer

A disclaimer is a statement that limits your liability for the content of your book. For example, if you include testimonials from satisfied customers in your book, you may want to include a disclaimer that says, “These results are not typical.” Disclaimers can be short and sweet, but they’re essential to protecting yourself from lawsuits down the road. 

3. Not including contact information

It’s important to include contact information on your copyright page so that people know how to reach you if they have questions or want permission to use your work. Be sure to include your name, email address, and website URL. You may also consider including social media links so people can easily connect with you online.

4. Cramming too much information onto the page

One of the self-published authors’ most common mistakes is cramming too much information onto the copyright page. They want to include everything from their author bio to their social media handles—and as a result, the page becomes cluttered and difficult to read. 

5. Not including the exact date of publication

Another mistake self-published authors sometimes make is not including the exact date of publication on their copyright page. This might seem like a small detail, but it’s quite important. After all, the publication date is part of what defines a work as being copyrighted. 

So be sure to include the month, day, and year when listing the publication date on your copyright page. For example, if your book were published on October 15th, 2020, you would list the date as “October 15th, 2020.” It’s as simple as that! 

6. Being sloppy with punctuation and formatting

Your copyright page doesn’t have to be fancy, but it should be free of typos or other errors. Unfortunately, many self-published authors are sloppy with their punctuation and formatting regarding their copyright pages. 

As a result, their pages look amateurish and unprofessional. So take care to proofread your copyright page carefully before including it in your book—and if you’re unsure whether something looks right, ask someone else to look for you. 

7. Failing to proofread and revise your work

One of the most common mistakes authors make is failing to proofread and revise their work before registering the copyright. While it might seem like a time-saving measure at the moment, this can lead to costly errors down the road. If you make changes to your work after registering the copyright, you’ll have to re-register the copyright with those changes included—and that can get pricey. So take the time to proofread and revise your work before registering the copyright. It’ll save you money and hassle in the long run.

Lastly, some authors often fail to register their copyright. Copyright registration is crucial because it gives you legal protection against infringement. If someone unauthorized uses your copyrighted material, you can take them to court and potentially receive damages. You can register your copyright online at the U.S. Copyright Office website.

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to some of your frequently asked questions about a book copyright page!

Is ISBN necessary?

The short answer is yes, ISBNs are necessary – especially if you want your book to be taken seriously by publishers, librarians, and booksellers. Here’s why:

ISBNs provide a unique identifier for your book. This means that your book can be easily tracked as it moves through the publishing process. Without an ISBN, your book would be another piece of paper with no way to distinguish it from any other book. 

ISBNs also help to ensure that your book is adequately cataloged and indexed by libraries and bookstores. This makes it easier for people to find and purchase your book. 

In addition, ISBNs can help you to avoid copyright infringement issues. When you assign an ISBN to your book, you effectively claim ownership of that intellectual property. This can be helpful if someone ever tries to copy or plagiarize your work. 

How can people steal your books?

There are a few ways that people can steal your books. The most common is by photocopying them. This is often done in libraries or bookstores, where people will make copies of the entire book or just the parts they need. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about this kind of theft. However, you can talk to the library or bookstore manager about increasing security or surveillance in the areas where your books are kept. 

Another way that people can steal your books is by downloading them from illegal file-sharing sites. This is a bigger problem because it allows people to distribute your book without paying you. If your book is being distributed illegally, you can contact the site and have them take it down. You should also consider sending a cease and desist letter to the person who uploaded your book. 

The last way people can steal your books is by scanning them and turning them into PDFs. This is similar to photocopying, but it’s usually done with a scanner instead of a copy machine. Again, there’s not much you can do about this except talk to the library or bookstore manager about increasing security or surveillance in the areas where your books are kept. 

What is the Library of Congress number?

The Library of Congress number is a unique identification number that the Library of Congress assigns to every single book in its collection. This number is stamped on the spine of every book in the Library of Congress, which is why you might have noticed it before. The number consists of a Classification number and an Item number. 

The Classification number tells you what subject area the book is shelved in. For example, if a book has the Classification number “E,” it’s shelved in the History section. The complete list of subject areas and their corresponding Classification numbers can be found here. 

The Item number is a unique identifier for each book within a given subject area. So, for example, if two books are shelved in History (Classification “E”), they will each have their unique Item number. 

Getting a Library of Congress Number for Your Book 

If you’re planning on publishing your book in the United States, you must obtain a Library of Congress number. The process is relatively simple and can be done entirely online. Here’s what you need to do: 

1. Go to the Library of Congress website and create an account. 

2. Once you’ve created an account, log in and click on the “Get an LC Control Number” link. 

3. Enter your personal information and the information about your book into the online form. 

4. Once you’ve completed the online form, click on the “Submit” button. 

5. You will receive an email from the Library of Congress with your assigned LC Control Number. 

6. Print out this email and keep it safe for future reference. 

And that’s it! Now you know how to get your book’s Library of Congress number. 


Now that you know what a copyright page is and why it’s essential, it’s time to start building yours! Include all of the required elements listed above and any additional flourishes you want. And don’t forget to update your copyright page each time you publish a new book edition.