Have you ever had a fantastic story idea but didn’t know where to start? Have you asked yourself, “What book should I write?” Or maybe you’ve wanted to write a book for years but haven’t settled on a topic. If you’re having trouble deciding what book to write, this blog post is for you! Here are a few tips on choosing the right book topic for you.
Table of Contents
What are fiction books?
In its simplest terms, a fiction book is a made-up story. It’s not based on real events or people; instead, it comes entirely from the author’s imagination. That doesn’t mean, however, that fiction books are entirely unrealistic. On the contrary, many fiction books are quite believable, even though they didn’t happen.
Fiction books can be – and often are – about any topic imaginable. There are romance novels, historical dramas, comedies, thrillers, science fiction stories, and so much more. The sky is the limit when it comes to fiction books!
One of the great things about fiction books is that they allow us to escape from reality for a little while. We can immerse ourselves in other worlds and experience things we could never experience. Whether we’re falling in love with a dashing pirate or saving the world from an alien invasion, fiction books give us a chance to live out our wildest dreams – if only for a few hours.
What book should I write: seven fiction book options
Considering writing a book? There are a lot of different genres of books out there, and it can be tough to decide which one you want to write. To help you make your decision, here are seven different options for fiction books that you could write.
1. A Romance Novel
Chances are, you’ve read at least one romance novel in your lifetime. Romance novels are all about two people falling in love and struggling to be together. If you’re a fan of love stories, then writing a romance novel might be the perfect option for you. Plus, who doesn’t love a happy ending?
2. A Crime Thriller
Crime thrillers are always popular, and there’s a good reason why. They’re exciting, suspenseful, and full of twists and turns that keep readers on their toes. Writing a crime thriller might be right up your alley if you’re looking for a challenge. Just be prepared to come up with a killer plot (pun intended).
3. A Fantasy Epic
Do you love spending time in other worlds? Then writing a fantasy epic might be the perfect book for you to write. In a fantasy world, the sky’s the limit as far as what you can include in your story. So if you’ve got a vivid imagination, this could be the genre for you.
4. A Historical Fiction Novel
Do you love history? Then writing a historical fiction novel might be the perfect way to combine your two passions. Historical fiction is all about setting your story in a specific period and bringing that period to life for your readers. This genre is worth considering if you’re interested in writing about actual events with made-up characters.
5. A Coming-of-Age Story
For a reason, coming-of-age stories are timeless classics—they resonate with everyone who’s ever gone through adolescence (aka everyone). This might be your genre if you’re looking to write something with mass appeal. Just be prepared to take some trips down memory lane as you write!
6. A Dystopian Novel
Dystopian novels are set in dark future worlds where society has turned for the worse. They’re usually thrilling and action-packed but can also be thought-provoking. If you’re interested in writing something that will make readers question everything they know, then dystopian fiction is worth considering.
7. A Humorous Novel
Not all books have to be serious—sometimes, it’s nice to kick back and read something lighthearted and fun. Writing a humorous novel might be the perfect option if you’re looking to write something that will make readers laugh out loud. Remember that not everyone finds the same things funny, so try not to offend anyone with your jokes!
What are non-fiction books?
Nonfiction books contain factual information written by an author on various topics. They are mostly about real people, places, events, and things. While some nonfiction books can be dry and dull, others are quite interesting and engaging. Many people enjoy reading nonfiction because it can be educational and enlightening. It can also provide insights into different cultures and lifestyles.
There are many different types of nonfiction books available for readers to enjoy. These include biographies, history books, self-help manuals, travel guides, business books, and more. There are also many different subgenres within each type of nonfiction book. For example, biographies can include political figures, athletes, musicians, actors/actresses, artists, and more.
No matter your interests, there is sure to be a nonfiction book out there that appeals to you. So why not give one a try today? You might just be surprised at how much you enjoy it.
What book should I write: seven non-fiction book options
Are you an aspiring author looking for your next project? Look no further if you’re stuck on what book to write next! Here are seven popular non-fiction book options to consider.
1. A Memoir
A memoir is an excellent option for authors who want to tell their own stories. Memoirs can be uplifting, inspirational, and motivational. They can also be heartbreaking and heartwarming and provide a unique insight into the human experience. If you’re considering writing a memoir, be prepared to open up about your life in a way you may have never done before. But don’t worry; the rewards can be more than worth it!
2. A Biography
Are you fascinated by a particular person or figure? If so, why not write their biography? A biography allows you to explore someone else’s life in depth and detail. It’s a great way to learn about someone else’s journey while sharing your insights and observations.
3. A How-To Guide
Do you have a particular skill or area of expertise that you want to share with others? Why not write a how-to guide? How-to guides can be incredibly helpful, whether they’re teaching people how to knit, bake, garden, or anything else! You will get to share your knowledge with others and get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping people achieve their goals.
4. A History book
Love learning about the past? Then writing a history book might be the perfect option for you! History books can take many different forms, from coffee table books full of photos and illustrations to in-depth academic texts exploring specific events or periods in detail. No matter your approach, writing a history book will be an exciting and informative experience.
5. A Travel Guide
Have you recently traveled to a fantastic place you want to share with others? Or perhaps you’re an expert on your hometown and want to share your insider knowledge with visitors? Either way, writing a travel guide is a great option! Travel guides can be local or global in scope, and they offer readers the chance to armchair travel from the comfort of their homes.
6. A Self-Help Book
Are you passionate about helping others reach their potential? Then writing a self-help book might be the perfect project for you! Self-help books cover everything from relationships and career advice to personal finance tips and mental health guidance. No matter your area of expertise, there’s sure to be someone out there who could benefit from your insights.
7. An Encyclopedia
If you’re looking for a challenge, why not write an encyclopedia? Encyclopedias are comprehensive reference books that provide detailed information on everything from animals and plants to countries and cultures. Writing an encyclopedia is no small task—but it’s sure to be an immensely rewarding one!
What book should I write: ten factors to consider
Have you ever thought about writing a book? It’s a huge undertaking, but it’s also an incredibly fulfilling one. If you’re thinking about writing a book, the first step is to choose the right topic. But how do you go about doing that? Here are ten factors to consider.
1. Passion
If you write a book, it’s important to choose a topic you’re passionate about. After all, you’ll be spending a lot of time on this project, and enjoying the process is essential. Writing becomes less of a chore and a joy when you’re passionate about your topic.
2. Expertise
It’s not necessary to be an expert on your topic, but it helps if you have some expertise. This will give you an advantage when researching and writing your book. Expertise in your topic will also help you build credibility with your readers.
3. Audience
When choosing a book topic, it’s essential to consider your audience. Who are you writing for? What are their interests? Why would they want to read your book? Asking yourself these questions will help you zero in on a topic that will appeal to your target reader.
4. Marketability
You should also consider how marketable your book will be. Is there already a lot of competition in this space? Are people searching for books on this topic? Answering these questions will give you a better idea of how successful your book might be.
5. Trends
Keeping an eye on trends is vital for any writer, but it’s especially important if you want your book to be successful. Writing about a trend that’s already popular will help ensure that people are interested in reading your book. Of course, trends change quickly, so make sure you choose a trend that’s likely to stick around for a while.
6. Test the waters
Before committing to writing an entire book on a particular topic, test the waters by writing blog posts or articles on related topics. This will help you gauge interest in your chosen subject and give you some practice writing about it. It could also help generate buzz for your future book.
7. Personal connection
Another factor to consider is whether or not you have a personal connection to the topic. This can make writing more enjoyable and produce more meaningful results. Having personal experience with the subject matter can be an asset when writing your book.
8. Storytelling potential
When evaluating potential book topics, ask yourself if storytelling has potential. A good story can make even the driest of topics interesting and engaging. Finding ways to tell stories within your chosen subject matter will make your job as a writer much easier—and produce a better result for readers.
9. Research potential
Another critical factor is research potential—is there enough material out there for you to write an entire book on this subject? If not, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should scratch it from your list; instead, try brainstorming ways to supplement your research or broaden your focus so that there’s enough material to work with.
10. Uniqueness
Finally, ask yourself if there’s anything unique about your perspective or approach to this topic. If not, that isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker—but if there is, that could give you the edge you need to stand out from competitors.
What book should I write: fiction vs non-fiction
If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, you’ve probably agonized over which genre to choose. Should you go with fiction or non-fiction? The answer, as it turns out, isn’t always so clear-cut.
Fiction vs non-fiction: the pros
Let’s start by looking at the benefits of writing fiction. Perhaps the most obvious advantage of writing fiction is that you can let your imagination run wild. Anything is possible with a work of fiction—the sky’s the limit. This freedom can appeal to first-time authors who may feel constrained by the need to stick to facts and reality.
In addition, fiction offers writers a chance to explore different viewpoints and create characters with which readers can form an emotional connection. A well-crafted work of fiction can take readers on an unforgettable journey, one that they’ll be eager to recommend to others. And finally, from a financial standpoint, fiction tends to sell better than non-fiction—so if your goal is to make money from your book, this is something to keep in mind.
Now let’s take a look at the advantages of writing non-fiction. Firstly, non-fiction requires less time and effort than fiction because you won’t have to worry about making things up from scratch—you can draw on your real-life experiences and expertise.
Secondly, non-fiction books tend to be more authoritative than fiction titles, which can give you a valuable edge in today’s competitive marketplace. And lastly, readers often see non-fiction books as valuable resources that they can refer back to repeatedly, making them more likely to purchase multiple copies or recommend your book to others.
Fiction vs non-fiction: the cons
Of course, there are also some drawbacks associated with each genre. When writing fiction, one potential downside is that it can be challenging to develop a truly original idea—especially if you’re working within a popular genre such as romance or thriller. Moreover, because fiction relies heavily on creative elements such as plot and character development, it can be tough to gauge how successful your book will be until after it’s published.
Meanwhile, non-fiction comes with its own set of challenges. For starters, you’ll need to have a well-defined area of expertise if you want your book to be successful—after all, no one wants to read a boring memoir or dull self-help guide.
In addition, non-fiction books tend to have shorter shelf lives than their fiction counterparts since they quickly become outdated as new information arises (think: books about technology or current affairs).
Which Should You Choose?
As you can see, there are pros and cons associated with both genres. So how do you choose between writing fiction vs non-fiction? Ultimately, the best way forward is to write the book you want—the one that feels true to your voice and interests. By staying true to yourself, you’re more likely close enough in touch with your audience’s needs and desires that even if your book doesn’t become an overnight bestseller, it will still find an appreciative audience who will appreciate your hard work.
Frequently asked questions
Here are answers to some of your frequently asked questions about what book should I write!
How long does it take to write a book?
This is a question with no easy answer because so many factors can affect the timeline. For example, starting from scratch with no outline or ideas will naturally take longer than if you already have a roadmap for your book. Other factors that can affect the timeline include the book’s length, the level of detail in writing, and how much research is required. In general, most well-written books take at least 6 months to complete.
This may seem like a long time, but keep in mind that this is average, and some books may take much less time while others may take much longer. The important thing is not to get discouraged or become fixated on the timeline. Every writer works differently, and some people write faster than others. As long as you’re making consistent progress, that’s all that matters.
Tips for staying on track
If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed or like you’re not making enough progress, here are a few tips that can help you stay on track:
1) Set aside dedicated writing time each day or week. Whether it’s an hour each day or 3 hours each week, setting specific writing times will help ensure that you’re making consistent progress.
2) Set page count goals instead of time-based goals. Writing X number of pages each day or week is often more effective than writing for X number of hours because it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose focus after a certain amount of time has passed.
3) Find an accountability partner. Writing can be a lonely endeavor, so finding someone to hold you accountable can be really helpful. This could be a friend, family member, or even another writer working on a similar project.
What is the book writing process?
Writing a book is a huge accomplishment that can do wonders for your career, not to mention your satisfaction. But before you start typing away, it’s essential to understand the process. This overview will give you a general idea of what to expect when writing a book.
1. Choose your topic.
The first step in writing a book is deciding what to write about. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s one of the most difficult parts of the process. There are endless possibilities that can make choosing a topic feel daunting. Narrow your focus by thinking about what you’re passionate about and what would be most helpful to your reader.
2. Outline your book.
Once you’ve decided on a topic, it’s time to start organizing your thoughts. The best way to do this is to create an outline of your book. This doesn’t have to be overly detailed—a general sense of what each chapter will cover is enough. Creating an outline will help you stay on track as you write and ensure that your finished product is cohesive and makes sense.
3. Write the first draft.
Now it’s time for the fun part: writing! Let the words flow, and don’t worry too much about editing as you go. You can always go back and make changes later. The important thing is to get your ideas down on paper (or screen).
4. Edit, edit, edit.
Once you have a complete draft, it’s time to start editing. This is where things can get messy—be prepared to delete entire sections or even start from scratch in some cases. But trust me, it’ll be worth it when you have a polished, professional-looking book you’re proud of.
5. Publish and promote!
Congratulations—you did it! Your book is now ready to be published and promoted so people can start reading it (and hopefully enjoy it). Marketing your book can be daunting, but plenty of resources are available to help you get started.
Final Words
Writing a book is no small feat – but if you have an idea you’re passionate about and are willing to put in the hard work, it can be worth it in the end! By following these tips and learning the basics of writing a book, you’ll be well on your way to getting your own manuscript published someday soon.