Trissa Tismal-Capili


Awards & Accolades

USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-selling Author


Trissa Tismal-Capili teaches simple steps on how to optimize performance, boost productivity, and skyrocket profits without stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. Dubbed as “America’s Transformational Success Coach,” she’s on a mission to help business leaders enjoy true success in all life areas—work, money, health, home, and relationships—to live happy, abundant, and free!

She has been a certified professional coach and speaker since 2007, helping thousands of entrepreneurs, coaching multimillion-dollar business owners, and advising billionaires.

Trissa graduated magna cum laude in psychology, attended the Coaches Training Institute to refine her coaching techniques, and got accredited by the International Coach Federation. She also got trained in hypnosis and NLP and has earned numerous advanced certifications from different coaching specializations including money, marketing, mindset, spirituality and life transformation. She loves interviewing world leaders in business and success, including top New York Times best-selling authors.

Trissa was the host on Balance TV, which aired on Discovery Fit and Health Channel where she interviewed top entrepreneurs who exemplified health, wealth, and giving back. She was also recognized as a top marketing consultant for a multinational billion-dollar company and featured on major media including CBS, NBC and Fox. Her proven track record in bringing together high-profile experts in her live and virtual conferences facilitates a community committed to change.

Excellent at exposing the underlying cause of her clients’ problems, Trissa masterfully turns their biggest headaches from challenging to fun and easy. She loves working with high-achieving, take-charge, big-thinking bosses in supercharging their results to the next level. She helps them eliminate blind spots that sabotage their utmost success without them knowing.

Together with coaching extremely accomplished CEOs, interviewing first-rate experts, and continuously learning from highly successful mentors, Trissa blends her experiences in coaching bosses to their ultimate success.

Published Books

Your True Power: The Key to Your Amazing Life

Amazon best-seller

Do you want to live your most exceptional life? This is for you. 14 ordinary but remarkable women come together to share their stories – 100% raw and authentic – of how they overcame their biggest and darkest challenges by embracing their true power. In Your True Power, join one strong group of magnificent women as they share their first-hand experiences to help you understand what true power is. With richly vibrant voices from many backgrounds illustrating one and the same message, you will be inspired to unlock your amazing life!

Success Mindsets

USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller!

For driven individuals searching for a more positive attitude, Success Mindsets is an anthology highlighting the thought process, attitude and approach to your professional life. The difference between success and failure is how you view a problem.


The world prizes success. It rarely shows the effort people make to achieve it. We crave success, but it can seem so unattainable that we assume it’s not for us. What if successful business people were to let us in on their secrets? That what separates the adored from the overlooked is mindset.

You will come to understand this by reading the brilliant contributors of Success Mindsets. This anthology gathers advice from several dozen exceptional leaders, ranging from CEOs to champions to game-changers. Success Mindsets reveals that many roads lead to success and you must choose the one that suits your concept best.

Each chapter in Success Mindsets will reveal methods for developing the right approach for navigating your journey to success. Dive in now to:

  • Understand the mindset of being adaptable in your pursuit of success. 
  • Adopt a growth mindset, to value long-term growth over short-term revenue. 
  • Utilize your driven mindset to keep advancing your career even as the world turns completely upside down.  
  • Study areas of strength and bolster weaknesses through the mindset of lifelong learning
  • Embrace the mindset of self-compassion to look out for yourself while leading others.  

Minds are more effective when they are open. You can always adapt your mindset to the situation in pursuit of your goals. What mindset will shepherd you through your professional journey?

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