I’m Caitlin Pyle. I’m a busy proofreader-turned-blogger who loves teaching other word nerds how to turn their proofreading prowess into profit!
Although I’d always been “that girl” in school who polished her friends’ papers for fun, I really found my knack for proofreading while studying in Germany as a college student in 2007. Helping my friends polish their words… while getting paid? It was a dream come true.
My “eagle eyes” for spotting errors grew stronger and stronger. In 2009, right before graduating from college, I began working as a receptionist at a court reporting agency. That’s when I picked up the true art of proofreading transcripts for court reporters… and that’s when my career as a proofreader really began to blossom.
By 2012, I had grown a full roster of court reporting clients for whom I proofread on a weekly basis.
In 2014, I started ProofreadAnywhere.com with a simple mission… to show anybody who was interested exactly how I started and grew my proofreading business from scratch.
I never expected that it would turn into the beautiful and supportive community it is now.
What started as just a weekend project has had a massive ripple effect of transformation in the lives of thousands of people all over the world. I couldn’t be more grateful for the privilege and honor to witness it all.
While Proofread Anywhere launched initially with a laser-focused course on proofreading transcripts for court reporters, we’ve evolved our suite of courses to include extensive training for proofreading all types of documents.
Published Book
Write and Grow Rich: Secrets of Successful Authors and Publishers
Now a USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller!
Have you tried all the entrepreneurial tricks only to end up back where you started? Are you passionate about an idea that you want to share with the world? Do you wish you could turn a single book into something more? Bestselling author Alinka Rutkowska started with one book and transformed it into a successful six-figure business. But she isn’t the only one. Join her and 23 other powerful author entrepreneurs as they share “how they did it” in this once-in-a-lifetime collection of true stories. In Write and Grow Rich, you’ll discover how this incredible group of authors, marketers, teachers, and trainers turned the corner with the power of writing behind them. By sharing their best practices, authors Adam Houge, Daniel Hall, Caitlyn Pyle, Marc Guberti, Bryan Cohen, Kristen Joy, and many more provide a roadmap to the steps you need to take to join their ranks. Inside, you’ll learn which so-called expert advice to avoid and little-known tools for faster, more resilient success.